Hey star-gazes! This is your weekly astrological forecast for the week of September 25 to October 1, 2022.
The astrological headlines this week concern invisible Venus. This week she will conjunct retrograde Mercury, trine retrograde Pluto and enter the sign of Libra, where she opposes retrograde Jupiter.
It’s another busy week for the alchemical goddess, full of transits ripe with new seed potential in Venusian and Mercurial areas of our life.
This week is also coloured by the challenging influences from retrograde Jupiter — who could put the breaks on expansion — and retrograde Pluto — who can cause us to demonstrate obsessive and compulsive behaviours.
Our major relationships also continue to get some important schooling in how we communicate and what we believe to be true about them thanks to Venus’ various celestial configurations, but we’ll dive into them more momentarily.
This week also heralds in the much-dreaded reactivation of the square between Saturn and Uranus, which was a persistent and intense signature last year.
Though we might have felt the effects of this transit for a while, we likely experienced a heightened awareness of it when Mars kissed Uranus and the North Node back in August, forming a sign-based square to Saturn in Aquarius.
If you want to check back on how this transit could have affected you, then look up your rising sign in my Triple Conjunction forecast from earlier this summer.
The reactivated Saturn-Uranus square is likely unwelcome for any of us who struggled acutely with the themes of obligation, constraint, restriction and responsibility in the area of our lives touched by transiting Saturn. But more on this later in the forecast.
First, let’s dig in and baseline the sky for the start of the week.
We start the week under the influence of the New Moon in Libra, perfecting just before the supper hour.
This lovely, Libra New Moon, unafflicted by malefics, is ideal for intention-setting and New Moon rituals.
The opposition to retrograde Jupiter can be a helpful catalyst for turning our ideas around expansive possibilities and spiritual and philosophical growth inward, contemplating how we can increase our confidence and capacity for inner transformation.
We also start the week under the influence of a perfecting trine between Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. This aspect will perfect on September 28, but, beginning as early as last week even, we might have felt its effects.
This week may be particularly good for going the distance in any longer-term projects or initiatives that we’ve been working on — especially any that commenced before Mars’ pre-retrograde shadow period on September 3.
If there’s anything that you’ve been putting off and you know you need to undertake this week that could require determination, long-term vision, and endurance, then this is the week for it!
Finally, the Mercury-Venus conjunction, perfecting early in the day on September 26, is already activated as we start the week.
In a trine to intensifying Pluto, the early days of the week could involve deep, soul-searching conversations with partners, friends, or female family members — sisters or aunts, in particular.
This said, both Venus and Mercury remain invisible in the sky. These are difficult conditions for the two inferior planets to manifest their natural significations.
Mercury’s first day of visibility occurs later this week, and Venus’ next month , so certain relationship matters lying hidden from view, or that we’ve been putting off broaching, could be intensified by the expansive trine to retrograde Pluto.
Pluto can also represent obsession, anxiety and fear, and so, under this transit, which is perfecting on Monday, September 26, we may simply experience more obsessive or anxious thoughts around relationship matters, since the trine can also expand whatever it touches, and this Venus is descending into the underworld where she’s just a little more intense concerning relationship matters.
And, as Venus and Mercury remain within orb of retrograde Neptune, it’s important to keep in mind that our obsessive worries could simply be an illusion.
Ultimately, however, the trine to retrograde Pluto shouldn’t eclipse the very positive effects of this conjunction with Mercury and Venus as well.
I do like the start of this new cycle for the two planets as signaling something favourable in the area of money matters, given that both Venus and Mercury touch on those topical areas.
Maybe you’re working on your own business, or advancing in new career directions — either way, this Venus is well-dignified at the start of this cycle, though I would still note that Mercury is retrograde, so you may want to avoid running with an idea — at least not until October 2, when Mercury switches direction.
Also, if you’re someone looking to take your business online — especially if it’s a creative business of some kind relating to food, art, fashion, teaching, or literary pursuits — then I like the Mercurial touchpoint here for igniting some positive momentum. Consider using this week to research commercial opportunities, especially on the web!
Just don’t let Venus’ opposition to retrograde Jupiter later in the week discourage you from moving in the direction of your dreams, even if they seem bigger than you can conceivably manage right now.
Jupiter will turn direct at the close of October in dreamy Pisces, and its forward motion can help us to once again believe in possibilities and restore hope in synchronicity.
On Monday, September 26, the Sun also opposes retrograde Jupiter, potentially clipping our wings in the area of our charts with Libra on the cusp.
Given that Jupiter is retrograde, we could be going through a do-over in those areas ruled by Aries, particularly anything we could have initiated between May 12 and July 27 of this year.
In slogging through the lessons that retrograde Jupiter is trying to teach us around expansion, confidence, and trusting in the supportive nature of the Universe, even in the face of fortunes reversing, we might be frustrated by a lack of momentum, or an obstacle in our path.
As we navigate the week it will be important not to let any potential challenges from this transit result in us doubting our talent or abilities.
The next important storyline to touch on is Saturn’s activities this week.
As I already mentioned, on September 29, the trine with Mars will bring opportunities for highly productive energies to push forward on a challenging project; however, the Greater Malefic is resurrecting a persistent 2021 storyline for us involving restriction and independence.
It will be important to take a look at Aquarius and Taurus in your natal chart, since these two houses will shed light on the topics that likely had you at war with aspects of yourself last year.
Uranus, the great liberator, in the sign of Taurus, wants us to change up the areas of our lives concerned with values, money, beauty, leisure and possessions — how we think about them and potentially prioritize their acquisition — while Saturn in Aquarius has us thinking bigger picture — wondering how we can better serve in this lifetime, or even meet the societal structures and constraints imposed upon us by the weight of individual and collective responsibility.
Think back to 2021, and how these themes of control, limitation, restriction and even lack came up in your life against the siren-song of revolution, freedom, innovation and destabilization. This will help inform how this transit could come up for you again, requiring you to deal with these topics in your life.
And, don’t forget that we saw Mars swoop into a conjunction with Uranus in the North Node back in early August, introducing a period of instability, unpredictability and tension.
Though some of this energy was released by Mars slipping from a sign-based square to Saturn to a trine, the energies may have had an more lingering quality throughout the month of August before Mars ingressed into Gemini.
If you’re feeling an increasing burn to make sudden, dramatic changes in your life, just remember that Uranus is retrograde right now and Mars — planet of action — is also going retrograde at the end of October, so you’ll want to tread carefully before making any significant changes, especially if this reactivated square seems pressuring you into action.
Finally, be prepared that though this transit will perfect between September 30 and October 1, the overall inner battle that this transit may see you wage will be at its most acute up to November 11–12.
Uranus will then begin separating, but will still be within orb of that square, so while some of the pressure may ease slightly, the influence of this transit will likely last even up to Saturn’s direct station towards the last weeks of October. I’d wager that the real relief you could feel won’t come until mid-November, so just be aware that this could be a much longer transit for all of us.
On September 29, two astrological events are worth noting.
First, Venus enters the sign of Libra — one of the two houses of her traditional rulership.
Venus in Libra will get some relief after a tense period in Virgo, which could have seen her a bit more irritable and snippier than usual.
We might have been predisposed to fault-finding, excessive criticism or more assertive expressions of dissatisfaction, since morning star Venus is a little spicier than her evening star incarnation.
If we found ourselves more critical of our partners, friends, appearance, or diets and exercise routine, or if we might have experienced a lack of balance in our overall health, then Venus in Libra will help restore some of that homeostasis while mellowing out the more critical expression of Venus while she was in Virgo.
In Libra, Venus can do what she does best — unify, harmonize, balance and create beauty. A lovely signature to the start of the autumn months, but be aware of Venus’ debilitated condition under the beams, so she may be less effective in the outside world, instead deploying these talents in more private affairs.
As Venus remains invisible, now might not be a great time to initiate new relationships or make significant relationship moves, such as engagements or marriage plans. However, this placement could see us, once again, become more affectionate and considerate towards our partners and loved ones, and that’s a welcome relief.
Venus will undergo a similar opposition to the Sun’s earlier one in the week with retrograde Jupiter. This will perfect on October 1, and could pick up on the disenchantment of Sun’s meeting of Jupiter.
Under this transit, you could find yourself zapped of drive and ambition, potentially discouraged by the magnitude of any ideas seeded under Venus’ conjunction to Mercury early in this week, and so you might choose to retreat to more creature comforts, including default emotional behaviours that feel more familiar.
This could be a coping mechanism for all of us, given the heady energy of Saturn-Uranus giving us enough on our plates to deal with.
Ultimately, this Venus-Jupiter opposition is comparatively brief, and, since it’s involving two benefics, I wouldn’t fuss too much about it.
Finally, the last astrological event to note this week is the first day of Mercury’s rise, returning to visibility in the sky. This is occurring on September 29, and brings Mercurial matters to light in our lives.
This could be a small financial matter, issues involving younger siblings, children or an unexpected but positive opportunity for learning and communication.
Whatever it will be, it will ultimately be a noticeable event in our lives — but don’t confuse that with magnitude, since it could be comparatively small in the grand scheme of things.
Also, as I mentioned in last week’s forecast, since Mercury is already in the waxing phase of its hemicycle, it’s gaining momentum and already picking up pace for its next three-month traversal of our charts.
Any ah-ha moment occurring on or around September 29 should be carefully noted, since this could factor into the evolving storyline of this new Mercury cycle.
That’s all I’ve got for you this week. If you found any of this helpful, don’t forget to clap, comment and follow and make sure to come back next Friday for another week-ahead forecast!
Also, if you’re beginning your astro planning for 2023, then you should know that I’ve started releasing some 2023 forecast videos and the first two out right now are about Saturn in Pisces — one is on the global trends we can expect and the other is rising sign previews — so make sure you check those out!
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*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!