Hi, I'm Krys -- astrologer, writer, book hoarder and history nerd with a penchant for applying ancient astrological techniques to our modern lives.
Astrology has been a surprising anchor in times of uncertainty and an endless path for self-discovery. Initially exploring the psychological dimensions of astrology, my background in history quickly drew me to study ancient and traditional astrological techniques and philosophies, which I love sharing with the people in my life.​
My astrological education has been a hodgepodge of formal learning and rigorous self-directed study. Beginning with a certificate-based grounding in Hellenistic natal chart delineation foundations from the Nightlight Astrology School, I've since lost track of the number of books, courses, workshops and webinars I've read or taken, all largely rooted in Hellenistic and Medieval techniques (though I have been known to dabble in modern astrological approaches as well). In the last few years, I've decided to sharpen my focus, exploring ancient texts in greater depth, applying their techniques and making modifications along the way. My client work has stressed the principles of partnership as we collaborate in the application of ancient approaches to twenty-first existential issues.
After three years on Astrology Niagara's board of directors where I supported the strategic direction, vision, program planning and copywriting efforts of the organization (I wrote all their monthly astrology forecasts, too!), I've decided to step away to focus on my practice, including developing my first introduction to Hellenistic astrology course. It will likely have more than a little history and a whole lot of primary texts built in, but hey, that's me and my take on the subject. That's what lights my fire and I want it to light yours, too, so head over to the learning page if you'd like to read more about this project.
If you're interested in a natal consultation, then visit my FAQ page to learn more about my approach, philosophy and commitment.