Welcome to January, star-gazers — the coldest month in the Northern Hemisphere and, according to some statistics, the most depressing. It’s the month of reckonings — the debt, the waistline, the job we barely tolerate (though remind ourselves to be grateful for in today’s economy). Will we spend another year going through the motions? Didn’t we make a slightly inebriated New Year’s Eve pledge to reinvent ourselves this year?
The second-half of Capricorn season can fill many of us with the spirit of Saturn. If Scrooge got all the lack, parsimony, and crank of Saturn in December, it might be our turn in January. However, the sky is constantly changing; this year is no different with big changes in store.
Saturn and Neptune Lead the Charge
Although this is still a monthly forecast, a few words about the year ahead are warranted, particularly as we preview some of the sign changes afoot in 2026.
First, on March 30, Neptune leaves Aries although, just like Arnold, it will be back…on October 22. This is preview time: a peek behind the curtain of planetary energies that will dominate from 2026 until 2039. Answering to its domicile lord, Mars (who, by the way, will be in its fall in Cancer and regarding its domicile by a square), this Neptune may be anything but silent about its entry. For some of us, the scales could fall from our eyes as we realize the consequences of having made countless sacrifices around our individual goals for the sake of the collective good. Maybe we were trying to please family, friends, and those around us? Perhaps the expectation of Piscean harmony has become too much to bear? Sure, it may taken a toll on our mental health, but weren’t we at least the good son or daughter, the dutiful employee, or the reliable friend? Neptune in Aries may test our bandwidth for perpetuating the illusion we have come to project, prompting us to use its last gasping Piscean breath later this year to rethink the cost of our complicity.
And then, of course, there’s Kronos, who makes its debut ingress into Aries from May 4 to September 1. Its nearly two-and-a-half-year jaunt through slippery Pisces draws to a close, leading us to look back on its transit with mixed feelings. Yes, it may have taught us about the malleability of boundaries and the inherent dangers; it may have seen us toil at things without the guarantee of reward; and it may have taught us that what we want is more about discipline than desire, but how did we confront the realities it brought to bear on our selfhood? Are we finally ready to say ‘no’ to others so that we can say ‘yes’ to our dreams? Are we ready to show up even when Saturn wants us to take the path of most resistance? Saturn will leave Pisces for good on February 14, 2026, kicking another two-and-a-half-year transit into gear that is all about our individual discipline, innovation and long-term vision for personal gain. In Aries, it may be inclined to find quick fixes, or challenged by the impetuousness of Mars’s temple, but this can still be an instructive transit, teaching us the importance of method over madness.
Jupiter and Uranus Expand Horizons
A high point next year will undoubtedly be Jupiter’s entry into the place of its exaltation. Its Cancerian ingress takes place on June 9 where it will stay for roughly a year. This can be a time where we reach for emotional authenticity in our personal journeys, seeking to grow, develop and expand in a way that brings emotional comfort and stability to our lives. This isn’t the risk-taking, firebrand Jupiter in Sag; this is the dig-deep, intuitive manifestation that asks us to plumb the limitless inner terrain where friends and family (however you define those) become the touchpoints of accrued wisdom on our year-long journey. We may find unexpected mentors, teachers and supporters along the way who help us cultivate our sense of inner belonging, but in the fast-paced world of instant gratification, soul-searching will need to be on the agenda for maximum benefit.
Uranus, the great tease, enters Gemini from July 7-November 7, imbuing us with an insatiable appetite for new information, new people and new ideas. Unexpected horizons could open, previewing its later, longer transit through this sign.
Uranus transits are not for the faint of heart; the upending and chaotic energy can sometimes cause us to turn our lives upside down (and spend retrograde periods wondering if those rash changes were really in our best interest), but this one will certainly have a speed about it that wasn’t as pronounced as Uranus in the slower, more cautious fixed sign of Taurus. Gemini and Uranus can make a fun pair, both willing to change course on a dime and go in wild and wacky directions.
Messenger of Fire
Mercury will retrograde in fire signs next year — Aries and a bit of Pisces from March 14-April 2; Leo from July 17-August 9; and Sagittarius-Scorpio from November 9–29. Brace yourself for fast-paced sometimes hotly contested changes that could be all about what we initiate and how. This is not the transit for doubting your mental faculties or second-guessing your decisions. Here we are forced to have confidence in our ideas and our approaches and to boldly commit to what we start even in the face of challenging reversals.
Mutable Eclipses
We also bid the eclipse cycle in Aries and Libra a fond farewell after March 29 as the balance of the year sees the Virgo-Pisces axis activated. This may be a time where we are invited to heal after potentially profound changes took place in the way we were in the world and in relation to others. As we take time to gain perspective on these shifts, the goal is assimilation — intellectual, emotional, and spiritual — which can see our head wage war with our hearts. Reconciliation may not necessary come, but a pathway opens for greater self-awareness.
January 2025 Astrology Forecast
We’re off to the races with a benefic blast as Venus slides into her Piscean exaltation (Jan. 2) lifting us out of any post-Christmas despair. The harsh realities of stone, cold January may hit us in the face like a Polar Vortex, but we could chase the winter blues away through the healing power of art, hobbies and friends.
The first challenging aspect of the year strikes early with a Mars-Pluto opposition (Jan. 3; they will oppose each other again on April 27). While the fruits of our labours could manifest as a powerful hurrah pushing others in the direction that we intend to move, some may resist whatever you’re selling. With Mars still retrograde, many may have heard your pitch before and potentially rejected it; the resistance you could face might tempt you to strongarm others into seeing your perspective. Just make sure you keep your motives squeaky clean, even as you turn on the leonine charm.
Mars heads back into Cancer just as Mercury squares Neptune (Jan. 6), making for an emotionally and intellectually difficult day. Maybe you didn’t get the result you wanted and now you’re doing a little introspection? Mercury in Sag may only see the devil in the details with a little help from Jupiter in its sign, though the potential struggle to connect with others feels real. Remember that decisions get made as much on emotion as intellect.
Our words may hold the keys to our fate as Mercury slides into Capricorn and immediately squares the North Node in Aries (Jan. 8), while a subsequent Mars-Neptune trine in elemental water helps smooth over any rough patches we may have hit (Jan. 12). In fact, we may even be inclined to fly the white flag. This is a moment where surrender to the Neptunian forces urging us to lay down our arms may be worthwhile heeding.
The tone of relationships shift towards the end of the second week. Although Venus continues her radiant jaunt through dreamy Pisces, her slow slide into a conjunction with Saturn may see an element of pragmatism injected into our one-to-ones with others. While Saturn has its own issues in this sign, its desire for stability and boundaries could bleed into the way we engage with those closest to us. This conjunction perfects almost a week later (Jan. 18), but we will no doubt feel its effects early, and perhaps even under the Cancer Full Moon (Jan. 13).
The luminosity of a Sun-Uranus trine is a positive prelude to the plenilunium taking place later that day (Jan. 13). Even as we feel our vitality and vigor slightly tempered by the no-nonsense domicile of a sea-goat Sun, the flash of inspiration, ingenuity and potential chaos could send just enough jarring instability our way to help make shifts in our perception possible.
Meanwhile, the Moon cruises into its opposition with Sol (Jan. 13), in positive, dreamy, and hopeful relationships to Neptune and Uranus. This Full Moon could have have renewal, reinvention and spiritual inspiration written all over it, especially as our goals may be subsumed by what compels us intuitively.
A Venus-Jupiter square could undermine any productivity we might be inclined toward as all we want to do is put our feet up and chill (Jan. 14). Time with friends could help this transit pass. Easing into this aspect could be beneficial before the brief opposition between Mars and Sol (Jan. 15). The storyline earlier in the month — remember the one where you were pleading your case in the face of nay-sayers? — might see its climax under this signature. Will our best-laid plans come to fruition?
As the union between Venus and Saturn takes place (Jan. 18), the Sun soon enters Aquarius (Jan. 19) and shifts the tone of the month. Our energies may be more collectively focused as we query how we might make an impact on those around us, while simultaneously seeking out novel ways of doing so. Two gently harmonious sextiles between Mercury and Venus and Mercury and Saturn urge us to contemplate how we might best be of service to others (Jan. 19).
Prepare to step back into your power as Sol conjoins Pluto (Jan. 21). We may have let the events earlier in the month undermine our confidence, but digging deep will be our forte under this transit, uncovering the source of our motivation and the reason to keep going even in the face of obstacles. One gift of Sun-in-Aquarius season may be the sober second look we take at our priorities and expectations, querying their congruence not only with what we want but what best serves our contribution to the collective, however small that microcosmic collective might be.
Our mind may fire on all cylinders as Mercury and Mars make a series of aspects: Mercury trines Uranus and Mars, and Mars trines Uranus (Jan. 23). Ideas may flow fast and furious and the desire for action may be paramount, especially as retrograde Mars continues to recycle old events and storylines. The steadying effect of benefic Venus trining Mars (Jan. 25) may improve our ability to make friends and influence people, helping us get what we want without needing to twist arms or even break them. Mild sextiles between Mercury and Neptune and Venus and Uranus the next day further this theme, helping us leverage compassion and a desire for novelty to seek out people on the same wavelength. When Mercury enters Aquarius, we may really be off to the races, putting plans into action that can dramatically alter our current trajectories (Jan. 27).
The penultimate day of the month is a busy one as the North Node enters Pisces, Mercury conjoins Pluto, and a New Moon in Aquarius invites us to seed hope for the future (Jan. 29). The lunation in Aquarius could be an interesting one with Mercury in a contemplative conjunction to Pluto and retrograde Jupiter trining it from its Geminiian seat. Ideas may be more important than action, with thoughts of the future taking centre stage. Perhaps we need to recalibrate that list of resolutions, or figure out how to approach our copious to-dos in more efficient, effective and out-of-the-box ways? Under this celestial signature, some of us could confront the future we’re visioning, wondering if it’s the best expression of our personal energies in a world that’s increasingly emphasizing novelty, uniqueness and technological innovation. Mercantile Mercury may have us contemplating new pathways to the monetization of our passions, while benefic Jupiter urges us to look beyond the immediate and the detail-oriented to see the larger road that lies ahead. The sign-based square from Uranus stationing direct the next day may be particularly consequential for helping us leap into forward action. The world is your oyster, this month; harvest those pearls!
*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!