Hey star-gazers! As you buckle up for the second eclipse of the season (link to my mundane eclipse forecast on YouTube), the month is pleasantly devoid of supremely challenging aspects. Setting aside the Sun-Pluto square with all its intransigent fixedness, April is a month of powerful unions that can shake us to our core and set us in new directions.

The month begins under a Last Quarter Moon, amplifying tensions arising under the Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse late last month. At that pivotal lunation, relationships were placed under the microscope. With the South Node involved, this may have triggered a longer story arc around the re-evaluation of friendships or romantic partnerships. An emphasis on the here and now — the person you’ve become and the person you want to be — may have drawn you towards intuitive depths, tuning you into your inner voice. Meanwhile, motivated to release outdated patterns and behaviours, many of us may have been struck by the realization that we’ve allowed our wants, needs and desires to be overlooked for far too long. Though brief, this Last Quarter Phase heightens impulses towards severing unwanted connections in the early days of the month (though not without doubt over whether the decisions we make are the right ones).
Opportunities to heal our deepest wounds emerge under the so-called “Great North American” eclipse (April 8). Conjunct the centaur asteroid, we may be emboldened to examine our sense of self and purpose, acknowledging the myriad ways we’ve minimized the trail we yearned to blaze in light of so many dissenting voices. As the New Moon solar eclipse in Aries has us stepping into our personal power, the conjunction that Mercury first makes to Chiron (April 15) then Venus making its own conjunction to Chiron later in the month (April 21) could invite us to open our minds and hearts. Moments of truthful confessions and vulnerability could help us tear down the walls we’ve erected against romantic and platonic disappointments.
While the significance of the eclipse certainly headlines the astrology of April, few aspects seem more fated than the Sun’s conjunction with the North Node (April 4). Sol represents our life force and vitality. It shows us where we direct our energy and how we express it in the world. This union could push us on a meaningful yet potentially unexpected trajectory, making April a watershed month for personal renewal.
Mercury is the only wandering star turning retrograde this month. The little grey planet retraces its steps from 27-degrees to 15-degrees of Aries. Mercury was last on this degree around March 17, offering a clue to the people, places and events featuring in our individual Mercury retrograde storylines. What preoccupied you back in mid-March? Pay careful attention to the house in your natal chart with Aries on the cusp; the topics activated under the assertive and youthful sign of the ram could reveal the areas that we’ll invariably revisit.
Throughout its retrograde sojourn, Mercury meets up with the Sun (April 11), initiating a new cycle that takes us into August 2024. This is a time for forethought and careful planning. What do we want to accomplish? What lessons have we learned about personal responsibility, self-confidence and assertion that will take us into the dramatically potent Mercury retrograde in Leo later this year? Before that, however, between April 1 and 25, we could fall victim to the tiny inconveniences so characteristic of this transit — the cosmic trickster causing messages to go astray, appointments to be delayed, or disruptions related to the topics of the house that Mercury is transiting. Gemini and Virgo placements should be particularly sensitive to the manifestations of this thrice-annual event, while anyone with Mercury as their time lord should pay careful attention to the houses that the planet rules natally as well as its natal position.
April bodes well for romance, especially if you’re willing to make the first move. Taking a risk is what Venus in Aries does best. As she leaves dreamy Pisces and enters Aries (April 5), a weak form of mutual reception with the God of War may see Venus more self-sacrificing and compassionate than is typical for her tour through the sign of the ram. Though we may be imbued with a risk-taking, devil-may-care attitude when it comes to matters of the heart, it doesn’t mean we’ll be entirely selfish in the process, particularly with Venus’s dispositor in sensitive Pisces. Saying “I’m kind of into you” could pay off in the weeks before Venus slips into commitment-seeking Taurus (April 29).
With the light comes the darkness in the form of two planetary configurations that could present us with unique challenges. The first is the Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces (April 10), which could take an emotional toll, especially on empaths. Frustrations could run high under this configuration, particularly as we may experience the contrapuntal energy of wanting to push forward with a venture only to be constrained by circumstance. Rather than act impetuously, leverage the drive of Mars and the diligence of slow-moving Saturn to review your plans for any holes, particularly as you remind yourself that you’re elbow-deep in Mercury retrograde season.
The other challenging aspect this month comes from the Sun’s square to Pluto (April 21). Confrontations with authority figures could prove inevitable, demanding that we guard ourselves against the prospect of having our voices silenced. Manipulation can be another Plutonic characteristic, heightening a need for us to be aware of the nature and intent behind efforts to control us.
Two potential bright spots towards the close of the month see Mars sextile Uranus (April 19) and Jupiter conjoin the Promethean planet (April 20). The propensity for sudden breakthroughs or unexpected opportunities are heightened against the backdrop of financial freedom, domestic security and opportunities to beautify our spaces and places. Perhaps inspiration strikes — a novel idea, an unexpected insight — or a transformative meditative experience sees us transcend our bodily limitations. We may not glimpse the divine, but the lightning-rod energies imparted by the higher octave of Mercury could see us reach new mental planes of creativity. Just be aware that, in the days that follow, confusion could abound as Mars applies to a conjunction to Neptune (April 29), muddying mental waters and confounding clear action.
*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!