New months, new chapters, New Moons.
November opens with an opportunity for renewal under a Scorpio lunation (Nov. 1). This is one of the more challenging lunations this quarter, particularly as the Moon is in a difficult sign astrologically. Its ruling planet, Mars, is in a similar place of astrological crunchiness, configured by an expansive trine. This could augment feelings of burden and overwhelm, particularly if we’re already exhausted from endless pivoting and reinvention.

Retrograde Saturn also joins this lunar party, though its presence may not be beneficial for establishing concrete action plans. As the planet of boundaries, decision, facts and reality feels its grasp slip in diffusive Pisces, we could find ourselves resisting the tidal wave of emotions this lunation surfaces. The emphasis on elemental water practically demands that we feel our way through the darkness rather than relying on our mental faculties. As Mars and Pluto occupy the volatile last-degrees of the signs they are currently transiting, this New Moon will surely have an intense, albeit renascent quality, demanding us to be fully present.
Saturn returns to direct motion this month (Nov. 15), marking one of the more important astrological events. Parked on the twelfth degree of Pisces all month, we may find ourselves cast back in time, revisiting obstacles and opportunities first encountered in March. Saturn was on this same degree between March 18–26, which could give a little indication of what decision points may be up for grabs. One of the storylines that Saturn in Pisces invites may be the emotional toll brought on by the relentless pursuit of improvement. Efforts to do better, be better, achieve more and work harder may have to take a backseat to compassion. When was the last time that you truly felt that you and all your efforts were enough?
Pay attention to the events surrounding Mercury’s Sagittarian ingress (Nov. 2). Events taking place during its pre-retrograde shadow (Nov. 6–25) may be particularly consequential as these topics are likely to see a redux. In Sagittarius, Mercury already has a rough ride, finding the demands on its mental faculties taxing. At work, you may be pressed to see the bigger picture, urged to think strategically, while on the home front questions around your longer-term vision and quest for zest may feel more elusive. Your mind is likely elsewhere: you’d love to do blue-sky thinking but there are bills to pay and someone needs to be the adult in the room. Avoiding dueling perspectives will be key as you reconcile what-if with right now.
On the bright side, some inner planet sign changes early in the month bring fresh perspectives. After a tense and possibly explosive Mars-Pluto opposition (Nov. 3), the God of War enters the lion’s den (Nov. 4). Swapping houses and battle gear, the Sun and Mars join cosmic forces, marrying strategy and acuity with the confidence that sheer determination can prevail. This can be a time when you’re surprised by your own capabilities. Don’t back down from the challenge to be the best version of yourself!
Venus’s entry into Capricorn (Nov. 11) brings cool-headed discipline, a desire for stability and even a commitment-focus to relationships with besties and paramours. Squares to Neptune (Nov. 9), the North Node (Nov. 15) and Chiron (Nov. 28) could be key as make-or-break decisions come our way that see us grapple with our sense of self and selflessness in relation to others.
The glorious Full Moon in Taurus (Nov. 15) stabilizes any precariousness that the Scorpio New Moon introduced. Naturally, we can’t escape a little unpredictability as the plenilunium conjoins Uranus. However, we can leverage the cosmic influence to our advantage. This configuration might invite new perspectives, insights or novel approaches to perennial problems. While it won’t solve larger existential angst, we might enjoy a reprieve from whatever is weighing us down. A supportive sextile from Neptune could be the crack through which hope enters, while a trine to Ceres urges us to tread carefully, respecting what we need in this moment to feel totally secure.
Enter the Ice Giants and, in particular, Pluto, whose long-awaited re-entry into Aquarius (Nov. 19) has cardinal signs breathing a sigh of relief and fixed sign friends white-knuckling their ephemerides. Little more needs to be said here since we’ve already had a first kick at the can where this ingress was concerned. Suffice to say, I had some musings on what Pluto in Aquarius could mean for various rising signs, so be sure to check that article out here if you haven’t already seen it.
The month closes with the Sun’s entry into optimistic Sagittarius (Nov. 21). A renewed focus on possibility and progress are sure to help us recalibrate our direction. After emerging from the Scorpionic sojourn that coloured the last thirty days, the flicker of hope, brought on by an appetite for adventure and wisdom-seeking, could be just the antidote to the increasingly cold and dark autumnal days. It’s a little early to begin ruminating about the New Year, but as we stand to be swept up in the December tumult, now might be an ideal time to scribble a few wild dreams into your journal to revisit in early 2025.
*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!