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Weekly Astrology Forecast for March 19–25, 2023* -Bright Ideas Get a Fresh Perspective!

Writer's picture: Eclectic OccultistaEclectic Occultista

Hey star-gazers! Happy vernal equinox!

As the Sun enters Aries on March 20, the energy of the week will be ripe for some much-needed spring cleaning on our inner selves.

With the light finally returning, we have an important celestial configuration under which to tend to our inner light, seeding new intentions for a powerful (astrological) year ahead and for making our dreams manifest.

Consider how you might harness the nascent energies of the equinox to set conscious goals — meditate, journal, light a candle, charge a crystal, be deliberate in your hopes, dreams, wishes and prayers, since the energy of the Aries ingress will be especially supportive!

With that, let’s tackle the energies of the week!

On March 19, highly active Mercury enters Aries, which could have us thinking a mile a minute.

Mercury entering fiery, brash and assertive Aries is a positive turn for the little grey planet, which was likely waffling in watery Pisces. In the sign of the fishes, it likely struggled to think and speak clearly, or to make heads or tails of any developments it could have been confronted with.

Mercury may have also had a hard time seeing the forest for the trees, debilitated under the Sun’s rays. In Aries, it’ll enjoy a couple of days where it can get cracking on a major idea or make some significant headway in a negotiation. By the time the Sun slides into Aries on March 20, expect Mercurial matters to be slightly challenged once again — muddled thinking or misunderstandings could be on the table, but the support Mercury will receive from Mars in the last degrees of Gemini could help mitigate some of the blow.

Upon entering the independent sign of the ram, Mercury will also oppose retrograde Ceres in Libra, potentially directing our thoughts towards any emotional discomforts of the past where we’ve sacrificed a part of ourselves for greater balance, diplomacy, or harmony in a relationship. This powerful 0-degree opposition could be about initiating a new inner script, where our commitment turns to focusing on our individual needs and personal power.

On March 20, the Sun briefly trines Pluto–offering us the focus, intensity, and deep desire to expand an aspect of our solar selves through hard work and personal perseverance. This is also a nice prelude to the Sun entering Aries, ushering in the beginning of the new astrological year.

The Aries ingress chart is important in mundane astrology, but I think we can incorporate a couple of signatures into the overall tenor of upcoming year, including the close conjunction to Mercury separating from the Sun.

Though debilitated by combustion, I don’t think that this portends to unfavourable outcomes from Mercurial undertakings this year, especially not with the mutual reception shared with Mars in Gemini providing a positive counterweight and aid to Mercury.

If anything, I think this is an important year for setting the stage and doing the lower-key, behind-the-scenes work on whatever initiative this Sun-Mercury conjunction may have ignited for you. With Mercury’s next aspect symbolically being a conjunction to Jupiter, I think this could portend to big, fruitful and horizon-opening changes down the line.

I also like that Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune aren’t touching the Sun, and that both Mars and Pluto are in almost inconspicuous sign-based squares to the Sol. Overall, I think this could be an important signature for stepping into more powerful incarnations of our individuality and igniting our motivation for important passion projects that, if we were to stick with them, could yield long-term benefits, and spiritual if not financial prosperity.

The heft of the week continues with the Aries New Moon on April 21 shining a spotlight on ourselves, our pioneering spirit, individual desires, yearning for adventure, and ultimately hope for a new beginning.

The celestial signature of this lunation will see the continuing close conjunction to Mercury, albeit separating, and a Jupiter-Chiron conjunction, potentially alluding to an important moment of personal healing that could offer us transcendent possibilities and a not-to-be-missed opportunity to purge old wounds.

The sign-based sextile to Mars in Gemini and Pluto in Capricorn are only worth noting in so far as they signal significant moments of certain chapters closing in our lives. For Mars, this was a seven-month ordeal in our Gemini-ruled house that likely tested our mental fortitude, while Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, dating back to 2008, could have had us see some significant and life-altering changes that put us on a different path.

Overall, I do like the unafflicted lunation for setting positive intentions not only for the month ahead, but also for the year ahead as well, so make sure you use this day to collect your thoughts and align your dreams for the future, since this is going to be a potentially potent lunation.

On March 23, Pluto enters Aquarius, introducing a massive tonal shift. The planet of transformation, power, darkness, and reinvention will move from the place of sometimes thankless toil in Capricorn, to Aquarius where the energy can be directed towards innovation, independence, invention, but also a focus on the greater good. If you’re keen to know what Pluto has in store for you over its two decade-long transit, make sure you check out your rising sign forecast for this significant celestial event!

Two days later, Mars enters the place of its fall, Cancer, which changes the energies of its eight-week sojourn.

Cardinal signs may find this transit easier, since Mars will be angular, but overall, this could be a signature where we see some challenges on the home front, some dilution of our motivation in a more watery sign, a sense that we lack the emotional fortitude to get things done, or a kind of forced humility from our actions not going the way we had hoped.

Prepare for a slightly rocky backdrop at varying junctures over the next eight weeks, though invariably, like all transits, this too will be offset by several other less-sticky planetary movements which will bring many positive developments into our lives.

*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!

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