Major celestial changes are afoot with several planets changing sign and even two major direction-changes. We’re back online, baby! Make the most of this eventful month by marking your calendar with these ten important transits.

February 1: Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces.
Glow-ups are in store as the planet of love, luxury and friendship conjoins its higher-octave counterpart. Overall, this is a beneficial transit for many signs, inviting us to gaze through a lens of hope, compassion and love.
A tendency to view the world through rose-coloured glasses , while a breath of fresh air in these complex times , may not always be in our best interest. For Leo risings, this transit could be a financial one, potentially obscuring the clarity with which relationships are seen for what they really are. A promise of a raise or even the associated paperwork may seem too good to be true, so check the fine print once the scales fall from your eyes.
Mutable signs are sure to reap rewards: from mental calm, to deepening emotional bonds, to reputational boosts that reach every corner of the workplace. For Scorpio risings, this could be a motivating transit for creative endeavours, while Cancers may experience spiritual insights potentially through a teacher or mentor.
February 4: Venus enters Aries.
As Venus will turn retrograde in Aries next month, its ingress is a must-watch affair. While the foreshadowing of Venus’s storyline began around January 28, the dignity change could be more jarring, alerting us to the myriad ways in which our attempts to be kind, generous and charitable may have been exploited. Was the object of our affection deserving of every free pass we gave them?
As Venus transits Aries — a sign it will enter, turn retrograde in and briefly leave as part of its retrograde journey — we can address any misplaced naiveté. Venus’s re-entry into Pisces on March 27 may see balance return to our love-language if fiery Aries witnessed an over-correction of our magnanimity.
The shift in elemental and modal energy may also contribute to a change in our perceptions. During Venus’s sojourn in Aries, we may need to stand up for ourselves, articulate our expectations in relationships and measure the amount of proverbial fire we bring to any fight. Important lessons may also be learned about balancing our needs with those of others. Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius risings may feel this most acutely with respect to romantic entanglements, while Gemini risings may experience shifts with authority figures who double as mentors and supporters in the workplace. Taurus risings may need to come to terms with the toll that secrets take on relationships.
February 4: Jupiter stations direct in Gemini.
If you’ve been feeling weighed down by a world of ever-shrinking possibilities, fret no longer! The most benevolent cosmic do-good’er turns direct on February 4.
Jupiter in Gemini may be challenging many of us to get past the unnecessary details. The expansive benefic urges us to grow our networks and our minds, entertaining the vastness of possibilities. In mutable Gemini, there’s always more than one way to get things done, though Jupiter in detriment may struggle to help us see that from time to time.
Capricorn and Virgo risings may find things getting back on track at work, especially if projects stalled. Virgo risings may particularly benefit from the angularity of this transit, possibly mitigating many of the setbacks that retrogradation can bring. Capricorn risings no doubt took the brunt of it, finding projects at work take a woeful turn — funding allocations slashed, resources realigned, or contractual negotiations on hiatus.
As Jupiter turns direct, all signs will invariably welcome the return of horizon-expanding potential that could help may of us feel like our goals and ambitions are back on track.
February 9: Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces.
The pumping of the brakes may have characterized much of Mars’s backstroke since late 2024. Thankfully, a much-needed reprieve may be felt under Mars’s harmonious alignment with hard-working Saturn. Get things done under this beneficial aspect as the harsh effects of both malefics are somewhat softened by their respective placements in water signs. Although they may not be in tip-top astrological form, their favourable relationship can still reap cosmic benefits.
This transit invites productive, detail-oriented work, helping us to focus our emotional faculties on passion projects that leave us feeling fulfilled. Aquarius risings could use this opportunity to press a project forward that could bring monetary rewards. Pisces risings might appreciate the forward-momentum applied to a creative endeavours. Cancer risings in school, working on a book, or trying to get something published could see themselves level-up if they appy themselves.
February 11: Sun square Uranus.
This may not be the easiest transit given its reputation for sudden accidents, mental and physical burnout, and disruptive upheavals, but natal placements and active time lords will invariably dictate just how the contours of this transit are expected to play out.
On a more general level, Uranus can challenge our perceptions, crush our delusions, and push us well beyond our comfort zones. Some of us may experience a heightened restlessness to challenge the trajectory our lives are on. This would be especially true if Uranus is currently transiting your natal Sun, Moon or ascendant ruler.
Aries risings could feel this shake-up in the sphere of their income. For some while these natives may have been dramatically transforming the way they earn money. When the Sun arrives in their eleventh houses with a separating conjunction from Mercury, bold ideas around social networks could help augment their bank balance.
As part of the personal reinvention Taurus risings are undergoing, something about their career may not entirely fit with their image reinvention, while Leo risings might see a partner offer a bright idea on their quest to professional fulfillment.
Overall, this transit could be invigorating once the worst of it subsides, though its effects could spill into February’s Full Moon.
February 12: Full Moon in Leo.
The square that the luminaries make to Uranus could fill us with consternation as we get a massive dose of fixed-sign frustration. As a metaphorical light is shone on the way we express ourselves and define our wants and needs, Uranus throws a wrench into the mix, telling us that the status quo may not be working.
Leo risings may feel this lunation most acutely as the Moon in their first house brings relationship hurdles into sharp focus. As these signs may have seen career shakeups since Uranus entered their tenth house, the source of tension may, of course, be the trajectory of this professional journey. Scorpio risings could see a slight variation of this theme, finding the emotional pull of a work opportunity draw tension from a partner at home.
Virgo and Pisces risings may feel a particular mental acuteness take hold as a workplace obligation reaches an apex, while cardinal signs could see tensions unfold in the realm of creative endeavours, social networks, and business income from self-employment. With Uranus in the money-in and money-out houses for Capricorn and Cancer risings, the sticking point could be a financial one, as attempts to diversify revenue streams hit a bump in the road. Gemini and Sagittarius risings may appreciate the clarity that this lunation could bring to matters relating to learning and spiritual practices.
February 14: Mercury enters Pisces.
With the exception of mutable signs which could benefit from Mercury’s angularity in their natal charts, many of us may lose some degree of clarity for the three-and-a-half weeks that Mercury swims through emotional Pisces. Whether it’s in words or in speech, there’s a certain amount of confusion that we all need to brace for.
For many of us, our ideas could be obscured or even complicated by compulsions to go with our gut, trust our intuition or act on a hunch. While this is not necessarily a bad thing normally, Mercury’s dulled mental sharpness could lead us to shirk logic, avoid gathering the information we need to make an informed decision, or simply neglect giving an issue a closer look.
For other signs, this transit could give voice to weighty emotional issues. We may not be able to find the right words to say what we feel, we may not even feel heard, but this could be the transit you need to get what’s bottled up inside out, whether it’s on paper or on the therapist’s couch.
Aquarius risings may want to exercise caution as this transit takes place in their second house of earned income, potentially hinting at the mercantile and contractual significations that Mercury naturally represents. With the planet challenged in Pisces, having someone take a close look at paperwork or offer a much-needed alternative perspective could save a world of frustration. Leo risings might want to have an unbiased third party review any investment decisions.
February 18: Sun Enters Pisces.
Following Mercury into the wading pool, the Sun’s entry into Pisces portends to a month where we may be ruled by our emotions and asked to confront important personal and spiritual truths.
As the solar system’s brightest light dips into the last sign of the zodiac, a feeling of necessary closure could strike many of us as we use the last, coldest weeks of February (in the Northern Hemisphere, of course) to contemplate our relentless quest for purpose and meaning.
The Sun is not necessarily the most introspective of planets, often connected to vitality, visibility and a need to blaze a path in the world, however, the watery depths of Pisces may see this impulse challenged. Instead, the next four weeks may see us dig deeper into our motivations and question what’s driving us.
February 23: Mars Stations Direct in Cancer.
The doubling down of Mars’s debility has come to a partial end. Although the fiery red planet will stay in Cancer until April 18, the return to direct motion will restore an ounce of forward momentum. Cardinal signs may have escaped much of the helplessness that many could have felt as Mars was stripped of its battle-garb, however, its backward motion may have added a Sisyphean tinge to all matters pertaining to home, family and security.
As Mars gains speed, many signs could make incremental gains to conquer any setbacks. However, don’t get too excited; Mars may remain “undernourished,” finding it difficult to tap into the nutritive benefits that the soft, gentle contours of lunar Cancer typically offers. Energy levels may continue to be low for many signs, while the will to “fight” for what we want — even if that’s getting out of bed to face the day — may continue to be an epic challenge.
Libra risings could reap the rewards of a direct Mars in workplace matters and recognition. Capricorn risings may find a relationship back on track, while Aries risings could feel better-supported at home. Virgo risings may have to deal with some crunchy friendships a little while longer, while Scorpio risings may need to push through any ennui in matters pertaining to their studies to beneficial effect.
February 27: New Moon in Pisces.
Holy Smokes, Pisces energy abounds under this nutritive lunation! With the luminaries co-present Saturn, Mercury, the North Node and Neptune, this is a lunation that can’t be overlooked for necessary endings and fresh beginnings.
The luminaries conjoin in Venus’s bounds, suggesting that the manner of execution for the next several months until the Pisces Full Moon later this year may need to consider the way we relate to others. While Venus could see us strive for harmony, balance and concord in or relationships, Saturn co-present in this sign reminds us of the importance of boundaries, especially emotional ones.
The continuing transit of Mercury, potentially amplified as it approaches conjunction with the Node of Fate, may have our sensitivities heightened. As we reflect on the seeds we want to sow in this next phase of our journey, the intuition that may not necessarily have served us earlier in the month might be foregrounded here, asking that we consider how to communicate our needs more authentically.
*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!